Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

My name is Laura. I was born at Our Lady of the Lake. I have two brothers and one sister. I played volleyball third grade through eleventh grade. I have an amazing pup named Kaylee May. My summer was spectacular.

Family is a big deal. My oldest brother, Steven, and I are alike in many ways. We make the same exact facial expressions and we're on the same page with a lot of issues. My other brother, David, and I have the love for outdoors in common. Most of the time he can be pretty cool. My one and only sister, Leanne, is the best sister in the world. She's fun and all my friends love her. Her kids, Jamie and Micah, are my niece and nephew that I love to death.

One of the most important things I'll be missing this year is volleyball. Towards the beginning of summer it was on my mind constantly. Usually in the month of June we'd play summer volleyball games at Denham Springs High School. My desire to play only grew stronger towards the end of summer when school was about to start. Today, it felt really weird and different walking into the gym after not seeing the court for so long. Something's missing.

Kaylee May is the best dog in the world. She is so obedient and is easy to take places. She's very protective but she gets along with everybody. Most of my friends that come over to my house are used to her barking like crazy because they know she's just trying to be big and bad. Seriously though, she could lose some weight. Actually, she could lose a lot of weight. Trying to hold her is like working out.

This summer was amazing. Lauren, Lauryn, and I started it off right with a beach trip to Panama. One night Lauryn and I decided to lay on the beach until the sunrise. After we got home, I did a lot of swimming, tanning, and hanging out with family and friends. At the end of June my car was totaled but I managed to still get through the summer pretty well. A couple weeks ago my family took a really fun trip to Tennessee. First we stopped in Memphis, then Nashville, and then to our final destination in Gatlinburg. My favorite part about the trip was the white water rafting. It was so much fun!

It's weird being back in school but I'm glad to get it started. I'm excited to finally be a senior. I'm really happy that a lot of my good friends are still here. I think we'll make this year the best we possibly can.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


How to ask for a girl's phone number.
Take chances. Keep it simple. Continue the conversation. Hint about your interest. Ask for the number.

How to bring a pet into a home with different pets.
Hold the new pet in your arms. Let them smell each other. Release the family pet first. Feed them in separate places for a few days.

How to remove a poop stain.
Clean off excess poop. Rinse the clothing. Use Tide. If stain is still there, repeat steps.

How to tell a funny story.
Use arm motions and facial expressions. Don't be obvious about the ending. Tell the funniest part at the climax. Don't laugh at your own story unless others are laughing with you.

How to deal with awkward silence
Relax and accept the awkward silence. Ask a question. Propose to do something fun or tell a joke.

How to stop your toddler from farting on people
Examine your toddler's diet. Catch him in the act. Do not laugh. Educate him. Save the victim. Make the toddler apologize.

How to know when to shut up.
accept that it takes two people to cause tension in a conversation. If you notice the other person's voice getting faster or high pitched, back off. If it continues, shut up. Wait for the other person to calm down.

How to skip school.
Learn to forge your parents name. Get up for school as normal. Instead of school, let the mall or movies be your destination. Hang out with friends after school.

How to be cool.
Just breathe. Look the part. Don't let people get to you. Be confident. Pick your friends wisely. Laugh at yourself.

How to do the Mexican hat dance.
Wear the right costume. Do a sequence of tapping and stamping. throw the hat to the ground. March in unison to a military tune.

How to kill the person sitting next to you.
Out of the corner of your eye, glance over at your prey. Take a couple deep breaths. Say, "Hey Caleb." As he turns your way jab the close pin into his heart. Run away.

The advice I'd give would be do give it your all. Choose stories that you think will be exciting to the people reading the newspaper. Don't just pick easy stories. Ask people what they would like to be in the paper. Always do your blogging. Since Ms. Melancon likes to assign 5 everyday, stay on top of it :)

Have fun with the rest of the newspaper staff. Get to know them and don't be shy. By the end of the year y'all will be like a little family. Always laugh at yourself. Don't take this class too seriously, it should be fun. But make sure to get all your work done right. Badger Ms. Melancon about her boo.

This summer I might be going to Florida. I might go with Lauryn and her family to a nice beach in Florida, like Destin or Panama City. We're supposed to go the soon after school lets out. During the last week of June, I'm going to Orange Beach with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew, mom, and Lauryn. I'm really excited about that.

Two weeks after school lets out I'm having a crawfish boil for some of the juniors. Hopefully I'll have a few pool parties at my sisters for all my friends. I definitely plan on tanning and swimming a lot. I need to get a couple swimsuits before the weekend because I'm probably going swimming at a friend's house.

I plan on fishing this summer. I know I'll be sleeping in late. It'll be nice not having to wake up for school every morning or worry about the next test that's coming up. I definitely will be riding four wheelers with my friends. We might all bring ours to the Comite River by my house. I hope this summer is the best one yet!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sarah - First off, you da bomb! I've never met someone quite like you. You're very individualistic. Everything you wear works. I use the word "works" because some things you wear others couldn't pull off. I admire your sense of style :) The best thing about you though is your personality. Your humor is on a level far wittier than most. Sarah, you're awesome!

Tina - Tina Tina Tina. Just the thought of your face is refreshing hehe :) You're so sweet. That's probably something I should learn from you. You're funny and love to laugh. You always seem to be in a great mood. Sometimes you may have not noticed, but if I would be having a bad day I could just notice your way of being happy and it really made a difference. Tina, thanks for the smilesss.

Nathan - Oh where do I begin, lover? I thoroughly enjoyed our date to the baseball game. It was the best five minutes of my life. Thanks for the changing station. You were a great date! Such a charmer, you. haha :)

Chase - Cousinnn!! You're crazy and funny and inappropriate...and I love it! It's definitely not going to be the same around here next year. Who will look me up and down and whistle as I walk the halls? No one, or atleast no one as good as you. I love you cousinn. Ps - kissing cousins? I meannnn, you're cool bye! ;) hahaha

Lakeisha - Girl, you're silly. You make a lot of funny jokes and statements and I just enjoy laughing from all of them. You're down to earth and really easy to talk to. I liked when you liked the jokes I liked to tell. Hehe :) I'm going to miss making you laugh and vice versa.

Bria - You are a very interesting person. You think deep. You're really witty. You know a lot of stuff I don't. You write well. And all these things I didn't know until this year in journalism. I'm glad you were part of the staff. Stay sweet Bria! :)

Chelsey - Chelshayyy!! My baby! You're an amazing friend! I love our laughs together and we better continue to have them or..I kill you! So this is what you need to know: more double dates, more dates (just me and you =]) and more double dates again. I can't wait for summer! We're gonna make it fun! I love youuu!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Diary

Today has been a pretty good day. Juniors got to check in at 10 so I missed chemistry and math. In American history, we just sat around so I just talked to Lauryn. In English Caleb and I had to write a paper together about our debate. I hope he has food poisoning and not a virus or I might get sick.

After English all the juniors went outside together to the field. Lauryn and I layed out our blankets together by a shady tree. We had a nice chat. I had pineapple, a sandwich, propel, and a cookie for lunch. Everyone else gathered in groups. But not me and Lauryn. We're loners. Haha not really.

Right now I'm writing this feature story. I don't want to be, of course. I want to sleep. I haven't had enough rest lately and I feel worn out. I'll probably sleep like a baby tonight. I need that to be able to be awake for math tomorrow and prepare for the test Wednesday.

I recently discovered you can edit pictures at Walmart. I wasn't sure if you could brighten the picture and change the color and everything but you can. I might log on to and pay a little extra money and edit my pictures online. I need to have them done by tomorrow. Hopefully it won't cost much since I only need 2-4 pictures made.

Today after school Lauryn and I are going back to my house. I'm going to change into some comfy clothes and we're headed to the mall. She has to find a gift for Taylor. We might go to Perkins Rowe too if we have time. I need to go to Walgreens and Bass Pro to get Danny something for his birthday.

It's awesome to know that school is almost over. I'll miss a few of the seniors though, especially Chelsey. It's just going to be different not having her here next year. It's also weird knowing next year I'll be a senior, applying to colleges and everything. But for now, I'm just focusing on the end of this year and having an amazing summer.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Year in Journalism

This year in journalism has been interesting, to say the least. Balancing research and revision for stories with school and um..a life! was rather difficult at first. It seemed a little hectic. But eventually we all got it down pat. Sometimes I had 3 stories and things got a little stressful but we all did what we had to do to present a pretty ay-okay paper.

I enjoyed our guest speakers. Our guest speaker from LSU gave me a bigger view on jounalism and a lot of information on what a student experiences going into a major dealing with journalism. She helped me see that while interesting, it's not for me. I also liked when Andre Moreau talked to us. I thoroughly enjoyed asking him the "crazy" questions. After finding out that he was gay, it made my question about his career helping him talk to the "ladies" even funnier. Hehe

Dear Mrs. Melancon, blogs are of the devil! And since they come from you I in no way am calling you the devil! But I'm just saying, blogs are evil. Without blogs we would have had so much more time to work on our stories. I guess in a way, and I mean a tiny way, I'm grateful for some of the blogs. It helped me learn to write and gather my ideas pretty fast.

The best part about our journalism class is the people. We had a great teacher and really creative writers. We gave the people what they wanted! Well, we tried. I strongly believe the staff really cared about what we put in the paper. Collectively, we were perfectionists and really did our best to be proud of our work. I think that came out in our stories.

The thing I'll miss the most about this class is the fun times. I mean c'mon, as I'm writing this Nathan is in the corner doing the stanky leg! Urban dictionary and Cleverbot made for good times. Although this year in this class I was scarred (Chase Barrett), it was still awesome. Everyone made it interesting and even funnier! I'm gonna miss journalism next year!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Iceland Volcano

Millions of tons of volcanic ash from the Iceland volcano eruption is coming to North America. The same ash that has grounded planes in Europe is heading our way. The cloud of ash has already reached Newfoundland. As of now, it doesn't look like a threat to North America. Some say the ash may only reach the end of Newfoundland.

So far 63,000 flights have been cancelled in Europe. Within the first 3 days the Institute of Earth Sciences rated the ash discharge at 750 tons per second. The ash plume had reached over 6 miles. It's now at about 1 mile. Thousands of people are still stranded at airports. Every once and a while a huge chunk of magma the size of a car will shoot out.

Eyjafjallajokull is the name of the volcano. So far there is no evidence of the volcano reawakening. The plume at its highest was 9 km. Another volcano called Katla may or may not be reawakened by the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull. Katla was by far more fierce than Eyjafjallajokull. Meteorologists are standing by to make sure neither Katla or Eyjafjallajokull erupt again.

The volcano is located under a glacial ice cap. This makes the magma cool faster. This causes explosions and plumes of grit that could damage plane engines. In Iceland, the winds have blown the ash to farmland. Farmers have been struggling to board up windows and secure cattle. All crops are probably ruined.

W's and H's

Oxygen-Free Animals Discovered—A First
Who: scientists
What: multicellular organisms
When: recently
Where: Mediterranean Sea
How: The new animals appear to have modified versions of mitochondria called hydrogenosomes, which can produce ATP without oxygen. Hydrogenosomes were previously known only in single-celled organisms.

"Tyrant King" Leech Discovered, Attacks Orifices
Who: doctors
What: Tyrant King leeches
When: possibly soon
Where: found in the Peruvian Amazon
How: Ironically, the ferocious leech may one day help people. Siddall and his team study leeches to develop anticoagulants—treatments that stop patients' blood from clotting. Medicinal leeches have been used for more than a century for various medical therapies. Finding a new leech helps scientists better understand the molecules that make leech saliva so beneficial.

Pictures: Millions of Sea Turtles Killed Accidentally?
Who: small fishers
What: killing sea turtles by accidentally getting caught in nets
When: in the last 20 years
Where: in the sea
How: The new study tallied sea turtle bycatch from published reports, which are primarily from observers aboard industrial fleets. All told, about 85,000 turtles were reported accidentally taken between 1990 and 2008. However, it is thought that the number is actually in the millions.

Puma saying goodbye to shoe boxes
Who: Puma company
What: no longer using shoe boxes
When: second half of this year
Where: unknown
How: cardboard frames wrapped in reusable shoe bags

Chameleons have weatherproof tongues
Who: chameleons
What: weatherproof tongues
When: always
Where: everywhere
New research has found that the tongue of this lizard shoots out like a rubber band gun, maintaining high function at even very low temperatures. Understanding how chameleons' ballistic tongues work could lead to advancements in prostheses, sports equipment and more.

Altered tobacco plants suck up pond scum
Who: British scientists
What: tobacco plants
When: right now
Where: Britain
How: By proving that the principle is possible, engineered tobacco is paving the way for a new generation of plants that could clean up environmental problems — and do it cheaply. The tobacco's powers came from implanted genes that produce antibody proteins, which bind to toxins and make them less dangerous.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rural Life Museum

The Rural Life Museum is located in Baton Rouge on Essen Lane. It is open daily from 8:30 to 5:00 everyday. They are not open on most major holidays. General admission is $9. School groups with reservations get in for $5. Picnicking is not allowed. Bummer. Taking pictures and videos is permitted though.

Louisiana folk architecture is shown in a country church, pioneer's cabin with corn crib and potato house, shotgun house, Acadian house, and a dogtrot house. The Barn contains artifacts that tell of old plantation life. It is also filled with tons of tools and implements used in Louisiana industry and down on the farm. The Working Plantation consists of a commissary, overseer's house, kitchen, slave cabins, sick house, schoolhouse, blacksmith's shop, sugar house, and grist mill.

The Rural Life Museum “Top 10 Outdoor Museums in the World." When you go you will see chickens running loose. Oh it's just common. If you go during a big event you'll see Clydesdale horses plowing a field or oxen all harnessed up in their gear. You might even be able to pet a donkey or mule.

They're is a wagon you can ride in. I have never, but it looks pretty fun for the youngsters. I went to the Rural Life Museum last year. It was during a big event. I went inside a really cool, old church. The man explained how church services were done back then.

I saw some plantation and slave houses. I also was shown how to make candles out of wax. All the workers they're wear clothes from that time. It's pretty funny. They're is a room that has most artifacts and tools about the time of slavery. Overall, it was a pretty interesting experience and it'll be fun to go again.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Last Issue

That's Crazy! - Ripley's Believe It or Not Edition

1. Around this time of year, many of us suffer from seasonal allergies…watery eyes, itchy noses, difficulty breathing, we would do almost anything to make them go away…well ALMOST anything. Would you swallow the eggs of a pig whipworm? What about infecting yourself with an intestinal hookworm? Doctors at Boston University are studying worms and how they can protect us from inflammatory diseases. The studies seem to show that people with parasitic worms suffer less from allergies. Believe It or Not!

2. Iowa High school student Elizabeth Rasmuson wore a dress made completely out of gum wrappers to her prom. Her mom spent days crafting the dress. She even made a matching vest for her date. Believe It or Not!

3. Eleven year old Austin Forman was saved from a cougar attack by his golden retriever, Angel. He was playing outside when he first saw the aggressive cougar. Scared he just stood there. Right before the cougar's pounce Angel jumped in front of the boy and took the blow. From there the cougar and dog fought while the family called 911. Immediately after the cougar was shot, the first person Angel went to was the little boy to make sure he was okay. The dog suffered from a fractured sinus, many cuts on the face, and deep wounds on the hind legs. Believe It or Not!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Iphone 4G

It has been less than a year since Apple's release of the Iphone 3G S. Already there are rumors of the upcoming Iphone 4G. There are many rumors and suspicions as to what the phone will offer and what changes will be made. It is a definite that the new phone will be sleeker and capable of many things that were left out by the 3G S. What most people are trying to figure out is if the price will match the worth.

The Iphone 4G will be available for purchase in July. The cost will be relatively the same as the price when the new Iphone 3GS came out. Apple is supposed to offer a 16GB for $199 and 32GB for $299 with a contract. The Iphone 4G concept is 4 ounces lighter at 4.4 ounces. It is also slimmer by 3.3 mm.

The new Iphone will still use the 3G network. It will have a 5 MP camera and built in zoom. There is a good chance of flash as well. It will have a dual core processor and more ram for faster speeds. Contacts wil be capable of being on the front home screen. It is supposed to have a touch sensitive case.

One of the more important changes will be the OLED display. Zunes offer this already and it's been coveted by many. The screen is brighter and crisper although seeing in direct sunlight will likely be a problem. There will definitely be a front dacing video camera for video chat. There may also be a removable battery but this has yet to be confirmed. Another problem that will be looked over is the battery life itself. Talk time may be doubled.

It's not a definite that the new iPhone will be called the iPhone 4G although this is what is expected. It's a high probability it will take on this name even though it will still run on the 3G network. This phone will go faster than the 3G S. With a bigger ram and a possible dual processor, the speed should be significantly better. A huge factor in the new phone is the capability of openin more than one app at a time. This is one of the major concerns of iPhone users. Apple is finding a way where multiple apps may be running at the same time.

Apple seems to be getting it right this time with the next generation iPhone. It has been listening to the users and is making changes and advancements. By cosidering the concept of the new iPhone, I think it will be a hit and fix many problems and disadvantages the older generation iPhones have.

Monday, March 15, 2010

News Articles

Explosions hit Nigeria oil amnesty talks

Who: Africa
What: car bombs
When: happening now
Where: Warri, Nigeria
Why: terrorists wanted to bomb the oil city
How: with car bombs

Street children aim for World Cup victory

Who: homeless children
What: Olympics
When: happening now
Where: South Africa
Why: to obtain glory for S. Africa
How: by training in his soccer abilities and representing his country

China warns Google to comply with censorship laws

Who: China officials
What: regulating google
When: happening now
Where: cyber world
Why: China is upset about Google and censorship laws
How: by warning them - "But, if you betray Chinese laws and regulations... it means that you are unfriendly, irresponsible, and you will have to pay the consequences."

Tiger decline is 'sign of world's failure'

Who: tigers
What: Tiger's population decline
When: happening now
Where: all over the world
What: Tiger's population is in a definite decline
How: Organised crime rings are playing an increasing part in illegal trading of tiger parts

Calvin Klein owner buys Tommy Hilfiger

Who: Calvin Klein owner
What: buys Tommy Hilfiger company
When: recently
Where: fashion industry
What: Tommy Hilfiger has been bought by CK
How: with lots of money (3 billion)

Imprisoned For A Kiss? Two British in Trouble in Dubai

Who: Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams
What: convicted for a kiss
When: recently
Where: Bob's Easy Diner in Dubai
Why: no good reason
How: they were convicted of public indecency for a simple peck while dining at a restaurant

Indian Spices, Powders Linked to Lead Poisoning

Who: no one in particular
What: Indian spices = possible lead poisoning
When: recently
Where: Massachusetts
Why: scientific study
How Indian spices are linked to possible lead poisoning after several cases in young children

Erin Andrews' Peeping Tom to Be Sentenced

Who: Mike Barrett
What: sentenced for stalking
When: recently
Where: California
Why: Erin Andrews had a creeper and she was weirded out
How: he was sentenced for being a peeping tom and will be going to jail

Doctors Use Tiny Clip to Repair Leaky Heart Valve Without Surgery

Who: doctors in Illinois
What: a way to avoid heart surgery
When: in the near future
Where: Illinois
Why: to avoid heart surgery
How: the clip would cut off the leaky valve in the heart

Death Row Inmate Nikolaus Johnson Gets Facebook Profile Yanked

Who: Nikolaus Johnson
What: facebook profile kept by convicted killer is now disabled
When: recently
Where: cyber world
Why: it was against the policies of his sentence
How: he was keeping a profile updated through another person, but the account is now deleted

Monday, March 1, 2010

Issue 7

That's Crazy

In Peru, doctors performed an amputation... on the wrong foot. An 86 year old man needed his right foot amputated to stop the spreading of an infection. "It was a terrible shock when I lifted up the sheets and saw they had amputated his left foot," said the patient's daughter, Carmen Villanueva. The infection worsened. When the doctors realized their mistake, they amputated the right foot as well. The Sabogal Hospital has suspended the doctors while investigating the case. Carmen Villanueva said her family plans to sue.

In Wyoming, a 13 year old girl ran up her parents' cell phone bill - to $5000. It was all because of texts, thousands of them. The phone plan didn't cover texting and she had to learn this the hard way. The total text messaging count was almost 20,000. Her dad thought the texting had been disabled on her phone. Well, he was definitely wrong. When he got the bill he read the charges...and smashed the phone with a hammer. Verizon has agreed to knock the bill down to a reasonable amount. She has been grounded until the end of school. Her response? "She feels bad and has learned her lesson."

In Arizona, a woman fractured a sheriff's nose with her purse. In the purse was a large bottle of perfume and it weighed over 3 pounds. The sheriff was still able to arrest the woman even though she had a bloody nose. The suspect was trying to stop a friend's car from being impounded. She refused the sheriff's orders to move out of the way of a tow truck. The woman was put in jail and charged with a felony of aggravated assault with a "deadly weapon."

In Berlin, an elderly woman was involved in three car accidents in less than an hour. Seven vehicles were damaged but she suffered only minor injuries. The 69 year old woman first crashed into three cars while pulling out of a parking lot. A few moments later, she accidently stepped onto the accelerator and sped across a lawn before crashing into a nearby home. She was then being taken to the nearest hospital when the ambulance was hit by a truck. No one was seriously hurt in any of the accidents.

Mr. Moland, would you rather...?

1. Choke to death on a peanut or be crushed by a 10 ton elephant?
2. Go a year without bathing or brushing your teeth?
3. Have a yelling battle with Mrs. Desalvo or a fight with Coach Spann?
4. Be the fattest person in the world or the shortest person in the world?
5. Fall off of a high speed treadmill or fall all the way down an escalator?
6. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
7. Go back to high school or go back to preschool?
8. Be called M-Dog or J-Money?
9. Grow a huge 'fro or a 6inch beard?
10. Run over a squirrel or hit a bird with your car?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob and Carl

Bob Woodward was born in Illinois in 1943. He has worked for the Washington Post since 1971. Just a year later, he and Berstein uncovered much of the Watergate scandal. In his earlier life, he attended Yale and studied history and English literature. He has been an author from 1974 to present. Since Watergate, he has had great success. He continues to write and he's executive editor of the Post. He's written 15 books, all of which have made it to the best seller's list.
Carl Bernstien is an American journalist who worked for the Washington Post. He has written articles for Rolling Stones magazine, revealing things about the CIA. Bernstein is Jewish. His parents were members of the Communist party. So for over a 30 year period, his family was watched by the FBI. They even staked out his bar mitzvah. Berstein attended the Univeristy of Maryland. Since Watergate, he hasn't been as successful as Woodward. He quit the Post in 1976. Since, he had an affair with his now exwife and has been in trouble with drunk driving. He's helped co-author a few books.
Woodward and Bernstein made history. They were assigned to report on the scandal on June 17, 1972. Together they wrote a book, All the President's Men. Four years later, the movie was made. It spurred an interest in investigative journalism. The men also published a second book called The Final Days. It covered the last year of Nixon's presidency and the events leading up to his resignation.
Berstein is credited with finding the laundered check that connected Nixon with the scandal. Both men did extensive research to put the puzzle pieces together. They drove around, asking countless people for details, any details at all. Until finally the pieces seemed to fit. While many doubted their credibility in their printed articles, the truth was eventually find out. Both men are highly respected as some of the best journalists of this generation.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What causes itching?

Itching is an irritation that urges one to scratch. The scientific word for it pruritus. Itching is caused by many things. The most common reason is physiological. Bet you didn't know that. Yep, it's all in our heads.

Stress and anxiety cause people to itch. This is the most common reason for itching, Also, dry skin causes more frequent itches. Many people also complain of itching from sunburns. Bud bites are a very common cause to itch. These are more exterior related causes.

Some internal reasons are kidney disease, cancers, an other diseases. Itching is also caused from reactions to drugs. Allergic reactions to medicines, foods, and the world in general can cause one to experience itching.

To soothe itching, one can use the cool method. Running cool water or using cold ice packs can help deaden the annoying sensation. Do not use the hot method! Warm water may soothe itching temporarily but it usually causes itching later. So steer clear.

Topical treatments like antihistamines are the most common way to relieve itching. But some of these can cause drowsiness or other side effects. If you can, just don't scratch and wait it out! Have self control. Scratching often causes a sore and even more itching.

No worries. If you have a sudden itch, you'll be okay. It's probably all in your head anyways. If not, I'd go with the cool method. Happy itching!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who woulda thought...

Laura: First, let me start out by saying little kids of this generation have massive attitude. Caleb: Whether it's a kindergartener or a 5th grader, every single kid has the craziest imagination. Laura: I appreciate the craziness. Caleb: Recently, the journalism class spent an entire week teaching the elementary students how to write their own newspaper stories. Laura: It was interesting, to say the least. Their imaginations ran wild with stories about anything and everything. Caleb: oh remember that kid's story about him throwing a chair at his friend because he was so mad? Laura: Of course! I could relate so that was one of my favorites. Caleb: yeah and he got over his little anger issue.. now he's addicted to video games. I know that feeling.. Laura: Haha anyways. I definitely think there are some future newspaper writers. Caleb: Oh definitely. Most of those kids write better than you! Laura: Wow Caleb. That hurts. Why don't we just tell everyone our favorite stories before you ruin our friendship with remarks like that. Caleb: okay I'm sorry, Laura. But seriously, they have some awesome elementary writers. Who was your favorite? Laura: Hmmm I really loved my first girl, Cache's story. It was all about booty popping and feeling the music and... Caleb: uhh Laura, I don't think we were supposed to bring that one up. Laura: Woops. Oh well, that was my favorite. What was yours? Caleb: That's an easy one. My little kindergarten friend Benny was my favorite. This kid was crazy! Every second he changed his mind about the story because he just had some many different ideas he tried to cram them all in to one story. Me and james picked him up and tried to take him to highschool with us, but Benny's teacher wouldn't let us:( Laura: The idea was to help teach little kids how to write not to steal them away! Caleb: well I taught him how to write too. But every single one of those kids are gonna be amazing writers. Laura: Oh yea definitely! I can't wait to come back and read what they have to write years from now. It'll be interesting. Caleb: Indeed.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The earthquake hit Haiti around 5:00 on January 12th. It was recorded as the strongest since 1770. The death toll is estimated to be near 200,000. Thousands of bodies have been placed in mass graves. Many are without food, water, or shelter. Riots and mobs have been arising because of panic, fear, and frustration. It's now up to us as to what we can do to help the suffering.

Many are still dying. There is not enough medicine for most of the injured. Antibiotics are needed to treat the amputations and life saving surgeries. But unfortunately, enough has not arrived in Port Au Prince yet. Pain killers are needed to help those severely injured or dying.

Those who are less injured, are still suffering tremendously. There is a huge lack of food and drinkable water. The food is getting there, but it's sometimes getting into the wrong hands. A big problem has been spotted. Men overpower the women and children for food. To help solve this problem, U.S. and Haitian soldiers have begun mostly giving to the women.

The idea is that the women will disperse the food more evenly. In Haiti, the women are usally in charge of the household food supply. Once the women get the bags of food, soldiers help protect them and ensure that they keep the food and it doesn't get stolen. This has helped fairly well so far.

A massive food distribution began today. Each family will recieve a 25 kilogram ration of rice at each food distribution site. But that's not enough. People also need water and shelter. Pur water has water purifying packets available. For 3 cents a pack, a liter of contaminated water can be purified. The packet helps separate the good water from the bad stuff.

Shelterbox is an organization that gives people shelter - in a box. A 10 person size tent is the most important thing supplied. Crayons and drawing books are also provided for the children.
Other important supplies include: hammers, stoves, bowls, water and food containers, thermal blankets, water purification packs, and mosquito nets.

It's up to all of us to help. Most of the world seems to be uniting for this greater cause. We can donate as much as possible for the relief of the Haitians through our church, school, and organizations.

Feature Story on Family

I'm sitting against the wall in my sister's kitchen, watching everybody. It's my niece's 11th birthday party. She's opening her gifts and thanking everyone. The room is filled with her immediate family. She's too old to have big birthday parties anymore. At least, that's what she thinks. Kids.. Everyone's talking, catching up on things. Jamie is having another brother or sister in 9 months. Hearing this makes me think about family and how important it is. So that's what I'll do my feature story on.

No matter what you've done or where you've been, you have your family. You mess things up, and they help put it back together. You fall apart, and they pick up the pieces. Family is always there for you. You may think your best friend is your family or your boyfriend or girlfriend who means so much is your world, but for me , it's always been my family. Because even if things with my best friend or boyfriend fell apart, my family remained.

It's a great gift God gives us. You know, it's like they say, you're stuck with your family so you better love them. It seems like a lot of times we treat our family the worst out of everyone we know. We know they'll be there, because they have to. So our harsh words or behavior is acceptable. But really, it's not. We gotta treat our family for what they really are - a gift. We have to appreciate them and be there for them like they are for us. We have to watch what we say, because hurtful words can't be taken back, just forgiven.

For me, my mom has always been the most important person in my life. And my sister, Leanne, has always been that person that really got to me. When she would tell me she understood my situation and that it would get better, I believed her the most. Anyone else could have said it, but coming from her, it would actually get through to me. And my mom hurts when I hurt. She's happy when I'm happy. That's true love for a person. That's family.

I think about how important my family is to me. And I wish that everyone stopped for a second sometimes, just to think of what their family means to them. I still say hurtful words or forget to thank the people that do the most for me. It seems like we teenagers do this the most. But lately, I've just realized that it's not okay to do that. It's never okay to hurt the people who love you unconditionally. Because the most important thing in our life, is our family.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Me, Myself, and the funny little voice in my head


Caleb's was the best! I've been wanting to beat Minesweeper for a very long time! It was quick and to the point. I now know the secret to being a winner!

Chase's was cool because of his use with the "uke". I had no idea how to play it. Chase played us part of a really cool song and he did pretty good. I was so mesmerized by the uke that I didn't take notes. Woops. At the end, we listened to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by that famous Hawaiian guy. It was great.

Sarah's was the funniest! She was so serious about it and i applaude her for keeping a straight face...well, most of the time. The pictures of her and Nathan were great. Who knew the potential of Nathan's hair!?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 High School Nespapers

1. The Feather
Fresno Christian High School
Fresno, California

2. Knight Errant
Benilde-St. Margaret's School
Saint Louis Park, Minnesota

3. Wayland Student Press
Wayland Union High School
Wayland, Missouri

4. The Harbinger
Shawnee Mission East High School
Shawnee Mission, Kansas

5. The Online Gargoyle
University Laboratory High School
Urbana, Illinios

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Besto Threeo

#1 Puns
The puns blog was actually fun. Eveyone had a great time telling each other corny or clever ones. I love witty things like that so I really enjoyed it. I'll give you an example. 'I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.' It was the best!
#2 Crazy Sandwiches
This blog assignment was very easy! That's a huge reason I loved it. It was just interesting how people actually spend there time crafting these sandwiches. Some looked disgusting but funny. Some were a thing of beauty. Others were just weird! I think just about everybody liked this one because it was just fun!
#3 eHow
How To Write a Paragraph about Liking Blogs. The instructions are simple - It's impossible to like blogging. Haha, I'm only kidding Ms. Melancon. This blog was so crazy. There are How To's for almost everything! So it gets third place!
#Last - 50 NP ideas
It was too long. After I while I was throwing out such crazy ideas! I have so many ideas about Caleb and random people. It got to the point where it was pointless. I mean, I'm not going to blog about any of them except maybe three. You're just silly Ms. Melancon, and you like reading our insane ideas. It has no benefit for the paper, admit it! :P