Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Diary

Today has been a pretty good day. Juniors got to check in at 10 so I missed chemistry and math. In American history, we just sat around so I just talked to Lauryn. In English Caleb and I had to write a paper together about our debate. I hope he has food poisoning and not a virus or I might get sick.

After English all the juniors went outside together to the field. Lauryn and I layed out our blankets together by a shady tree. We had a nice chat. I had pineapple, a sandwich, propel, and a cookie for lunch. Everyone else gathered in groups. But not me and Lauryn. We're loners. Haha not really.

Right now I'm writing this feature story. I don't want to be, of course. I want to sleep. I haven't had enough rest lately and I feel worn out. I'll probably sleep like a baby tonight. I need that to be able to be awake for math tomorrow and prepare for the test Wednesday.

I recently discovered you can edit pictures at Walmart. I wasn't sure if you could brighten the picture and change the color and everything but you can. I might log on to and pay a little extra money and edit my pictures online. I need to have them done by tomorrow. Hopefully it won't cost much since I only need 2-4 pictures made.

Today after school Lauryn and I are going back to my house. I'm going to change into some comfy clothes and we're headed to the mall. She has to find a gift for Taylor. We might go to Perkins Rowe too if we have time. I need to go to Walgreens and Bass Pro to get Danny something for his birthday.

It's awesome to know that school is almost over. I'll miss a few of the seniors though, especially Chelsey. It's just going to be different not having her here next year. It's also weird knowing next year I'll be a senior, applying to colleges and everything. But for now, I'm just focusing on the end of this year and having an amazing summer.

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