Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sarah - First off, you da bomb! I've never met someone quite like you. You're very individualistic. Everything you wear works. I use the word "works" because some things you wear others couldn't pull off. I admire your sense of style :) The best thing about you though is your personality. Your humor is on a level far wittier than most. Sarah, you're awesome!

Tina - Tina Tina Tina. Just the thought of your face is refreshing hehe :) You're so sweet. That's probably something I should learn from you. You're funny and love to laugh. You always seem to be in a great mood. Sometimes you may have not noticed, but if I would be having a bad day I could just notice your way of being happy and it really made a difference. Tina, thanks for the smilesss.

Nathan - Oh where do I begin, lover? I thoroughly enjoyed our date to the baseball game. It was the best five minutes of my life. Thanks for the changing station. You were a great date! Such a charmer, you. haha :)

Chase - Cousinnn!! You're crazy and funny and inappropriate...and I love it! It's definitely not going to be the same around here next year. Who will look me up and down and whistle as I walk the halls? No one, or atleast no one as good as you. I love you cousinn. Ps - kissing cousins? I meannnn, you're cool bye! ;) hahaha

Lakeisha - Girl, you're silly. You make a lot of funny jokes and statements and I just enjoy laughing from all of them. You're down to earth and really easy to talk to. I liked when you liked the jokes I liked to tell. Hehe :) I'm going to miss making you laugh and vice versa.

Bria - You are a very interesting person. You think deep. You're really witty. You know a lot of stuff I don't. You write well. And all these things I didn't know until this year in journalism. I'm glad you were part of the staff. Stay sweet Bria! :)

Chelsey - Chelshayyy!! My baby! You're an amazing friend! I love our laughs together and we better continue to have them or..I kill you! So this is what you need to know: more double dates, more dates (just me and you =]) and more double dates again. I can't wait for summer! We're gonna make it fun! I love youuu!

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