Sunday, January 31, 2010


The earthquake hit Haiti around 5:00 on January 12th. It was recorded as the strongest since 1770. The death toll is estimated to be near 200,000. Thousands of bodies have been placed in mass graves. Many are without food, water, or shelter. Riots and mobs have been arising because of panic, fear, and frustration. It's now up to us as to what we can do to help the suffering.

Many are still dying. There is not enough medicine for most of the injured. Antibiotics are needed to treat the amputations and life saving surgeries. But unfortunately, enough has not arrived in Port Au Prince yet. Pain killers are needed to help those severely injured or dying.

Those who are less injured, are still suffering tremendously. There is a huge lack of food and drinkable water. The food is getting there, but it's sometimes getting into the wrong hands. A big problem has been spotted. Men overpower the women and children for food. To help solve this problem, U.S. and Haitian soldiers have begun mostly giving to the women.

The idea is that the women will disperse the food more evenly. In Haiti, the women are usally in charge of the household food supply. Once the women get the bags of food, soldiers help protect them and ensure that they keep the food and it doesn't get stolen. This has helped fairly well so far.

A massive food distribution began today. Each family will recieve a 25 kilogram ration of rice at each food distribution site. But that's not enough. People also need water and shelter. Pur water has water purifying packets available. For 3 cents a pack, a liter of contaminated water can be purified. The packet helps separate the good water from the bad stuff.

Shelterbox is an organization that gives people shelter - in a box. A 10 person size tent is the most important thing supplied. Crayons and drawing books are also provided for the children.
Other important supplies include: hammers, stoves, bowls, water and food containers, thermal blankets, water purification packs, and mosquito nets.

It's up to all of us to help. Most of the world seems to be uniting for this greater cause. We can donate as much as possible for the relief of the Haitians through our church, school, and organizations.

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