Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who woulda thought...

Laura: First, let me start out by saying little kids of this generation have massive attitude. Caleb: Whether it's a kindergartener or a 5th grader, every single kid has the craziest imagination. Laura: I appreciate the craziness. Caleb: Recently, the journalism class spent an entire week teaching the elementary students how to write their own newspaper stories. Laura: It was interesting, to say the least. Their imaginations ran wild with stories about anything and everything. Caleb: oh remember that kid's story about him throwing a chair at his friend because he was so mad? Laura: Of course! I could relate so that was one of my favorites. Caleb: yeah and he got over his little anger issue.. now he's addicted to video games. I know that feeling.. Laura: Haha anyways. I definitely think there are some future newspaper writers. Caleb: Oh definitely. Most of those kids write better than you! Laura: Wow Caleb. That hurts. Why don't we just tell everyone our favorite stories before you ruin our friendship with remarks like that. Caleb: okay I'm sorry, Laura. But seriously, they have some awesome elementary writers. Who was your favorite? Laura: Hmmm I really loved my first girl, Cache's story. It was all about booty popping and feeling the music and... Caleb: uhh Laura, I don't think we were supposed to bring that one up. Laura: Woops. Oh well, that was my favorite. What was yours? Caleb: That's an easy one. My little kindergarten friend Benny was my favorite. This kid was crazy! Every second he changed his mind about the story because he just had some many different ideas he tried to cram them all in to one story. Me and james picked him up and tried to take him to highschool with us, but Benny's teacher wouldn't let us:( Laura: The idea was to help teach little kids how to write not to steal them away! Caleb: well I taught him how to write too. But every single one of those kids are gonna be amazing writers. Laura: Oh yea definitely! I can't wait to come back and read what they have to write years from now. It'll be interesting. Caleb: Indeed.

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