Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob and Carl

Bob Woodward was born in Illinois in 1943. He has worked for the Washington Post since 1971. Just a year later, he and Berstein uncovered much of the Watergate scandal. In his earlier life, he attended Yale and studied history and English literature. He has been an author from 1974 to present. Since Watergate, he has had great success. He continues to write and he's executive editor of the Post. He's written 15 books, all of which have made it to the best seller's list.
Carl Bernstien is an American journalist who worked for the Washington Post. He has written articles for Rolling Stones magazine, revealing things about the CIA. Bernstein is Jewish. His parents were members of the Communist party. So for over a 30 year period, his family was watched by the FBI. They even staked out his bar mitzvah. Berstein attended the Univeristy of Maryland. Since Watergate, he hasn't been as successful as Woodward. He quit the Post in 1976. Since, he had an affair with his now exwife and has been in trouble with drunk driving. He's helped co-author a few books.
Woodward and Bernstein made history. They were assigned to report on the scandal on June 17, 1972. Together they wrote a book, All the President's Men. Four years later, the movie was made. It spurred an interest in investigative journalism. The men also published a second book called The Final Days. It covered the last year of Nixon's presidency and the events leading up to his resignation.
Berstein is credited with finding the laundered check that connected Nixon with the scandal. Both men did extensive research to put the puzzle pieces together. They drove around, asking countless people for details, any details at all. Until finally the pieces seemed to fit. While many doubted their credibility in their printed articles, the truth was eventually find out. Both men are highly respected as some of the best journalists of this generation.

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