Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That's Crazy!

Warsaw - A man was bruised but alive after something rather large fell on top of him while he was strolling down an avenue. This "something" was a 110 pound St. Bernard that had fallen out of a two story window! No worries though. The one year old dog named Oscar is fine. "The dog had a soft landing because it fell on a man," said police spokesperson Wierzbicki. "The dog escaped with just a few scratches. The man was also more in a psychological state of shock then physically hurt."

Amsterdam - Two nuns chased a suspected thief through the streets of Amsterdam. What makes this even crazier is that the Dutch nuns were on bikes! One Saturday evening, one of the sisters believed to see a man walking past their chapel as a thief who snatched hundreds of dollars in cash from the chapel two weeks earlier. The nuns called the police but before the police could arrive, the thief realized something was up and fled on a bike. The nuns followed in pursuit. The suspected thief managed to escape into a neighborhood and got away. Police hunted for the man but could not find him.

Berlin - A 68 year old man had to survive on just a packet of cookies while he was stuck in an elevator for 3 days! Karlheinz Schmidt was going to the hospital for a routine appointment. When he realized something was wrong with the elevator, Schmidt repeatedly pushed the alarm button and called for help. Unfortunately, no one heard his call until the third day when a nurse reported the broken lift. He was found pale and weak but thankfully alive. What's ironic is that Schmidt was a former elevator repairman.

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