Tuesday, September 22, 2009

50 NP Ideas

1. Mr. Moland
2. Whole Foods
3. Caleb's dentist appt experience
4. fried icecream
5. why Macbooks can't get viruses
6. the origin of "show and tell"
7. bow hunting
8. HC dress shopping tips
9. Farm Town/Farm Ville contrast and comparison
10. James and Broke's blossoming realtionship
11. Caleb's typing impulses kgbhuogtugtu46456 (see what I mean) 4898695njbhj63453 b5
12. IQ
13. Mrs. Beryl's sweet tea
14. who decided the layout of a keyboard
15. PawPaw
16. volleyball socks tradition
17. 4 leaf clovers
18. leprechauns
19. Coach Smith's food in class policy
20. this stupid time policy at Rave and Perkins Rowe
21. BING.com
22. Scooby Doo
23. ironic situations
24. oxymorons
25. the "battle" between the cheerleaders and the volleyball players
26. Tim's booksack
26. Tim's Colorado trip
27. Tim's horrible night in the mountains
28. Tim's ability in ideation
29. Tim's music taste
30. Tim's thoughts on life
31. Mrs. Diaz's adolescence years
32. the lamest website
33. honey (what you eat)
34. Honey (the movie)
35. Nutella
36. oreos with peanut butter
37. Timothy's health knowledge/advice
38. caffeine in coffee
39. Danielle's chipmunk laugh
40. my interview with Myor Kip Holden
41. Mr. Moland's Bible message to the girls - dating/marriage
42. semantics
43. So You Think You Can Dance?
44. Andre Morreau
45. LSU tiger chants
46. twitter.com/bcsvolleyball
47. "Catchphrase" the game
48. silly string
49. Ms. Melancon giving her Bible and journalism classes too many blog assignments
50. Chase and Nathan's "relationship"

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