Monday, September 28, 2009

Buried Treasure - Paper Planes - Project Rescue

A jobless man on welfare found treasure worth millions. He bought a used metal detector for 6 dollars and used it to find the treasure in central Enland. It is the greatest Anglo Saxon treasure discovery ever. Terry Hebert found 11 pounds of gold and 5 pounds of silver. He will split the profit 50-50 with the land owner of the field in which the treasure was found.

A young boy takes flying paper planes very seriously! He exercizes everyday to build up his arm muscles. He hopes to go to Japan to break the record - 17 seconds. He also hopes to be an ispiration to other children.

The purpose is to provide a safe haven for women and children who have been victims of human trafficking. It helps the victims spiritually, emotionally, and physically to heal while ministering to them. We can raise awareness of sexual trafficking and donate money.

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