Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Puns and Words and Story

Biologists have recently produced immortal frogs by removing their vocal cords. They can't croak.
I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.
When chemists die, we barium.
I need to cut my fingernails before they get too out of hand.
There was a shootout in The Gap. There were many casual-tees.
When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall - and a pretty good spring and summer, too.
They tried to keep a locksmith in prison, but the nut bolted.
Stealing someone's coffee is called 'mugging'.
I would like to go to Holland one day, wooden shoe?
1.buss- a kiss; to kiss
2.sui generis- unique
3. ineffable- incapable of being expressed
4. scion- a descendant; an heir
5. riposte- a quick and effective reply by word or act
6. sapid- having flavor, especially a strong pleasant taste
7. penchant- a strong liking
8. propinquity- nearness
9. kismet- destiny; fate
10. pestiferous- obnoxious
[Happy News]
Who: Farmers
What: Watermelons
When: now
Where: across the U.S. on farms
Why: to get ethanol fuel
How: leftover watermelons from farms' harvests could be converted into up to 2.5 million gallons of clean, renewable ethanol fuel every year destined for your car, truck, or airplane's gas tank

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