Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hurricane House: It educates them on potentially dangerous situations during a hurricane. No. It was educational, but not enough. A longer, more detailed game should be created. Then it would help kids along the Gulf Coast better.

Disaster Maze: It would educate them on what to do after or during a hurricane. No. This game wasn't good enough either. They need to make more fun, detailed games to catch the attention of rambunctious kids.

"i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3" - caleb

Who: Shoe Thrower
What: tortured in jail after being imprisoned because of throwing a shoe at former President Bush
When: today
Where: a Baghdad prison
Why: because the prison guards wanted to torure him
How: with beatings, whippings, electric shocks and simulated drowning

Who: Somali pirates
What: release Greek ship
When: 9/14
Where: Eyl
Why: reason unknown
How: "We already left the vessel and now we are dividing our money," a pirate said.

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