Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saved By the Bell Cast - Where are they now?

Hey, hey, hey. *What* is going *on* here? You may recognize this from none other than Mr. Belding. The Saved By the Bell principal had a sweet yet stern side back when he was at Bayside, but where is he now? And what are all the other cast members up to?
Let's begin with my favorite, Zack Morris. He ruled the school at Bayside with his oh so charming ways. But his life after Saved by the Bell went a little...eh. He has had roles from NYPD Blue, Commander in Chief, and Raising the Bar, but nothing really special. Girls, just remember him as the blonde haired hottie who sometimes tried a little too hard.
And then there's Kelly Kapowski. The target of Zack's attention. I'm sure we all remember her as the sweet and innocent cheerleader, don't be fooled. Since SBB, she has become quite a bit more racy in photo shoots, ahem, and in her role in 90210.
Screech Screech Screech... the lovable nerd. Well, he's not so lovable anymore. In fact he's obnoxious and creepy now. He has starred a few unmentionables and tried to lose a few pounds during his experience on Clebrity Fit Club. It DIDn't work.
Then you have the "Screech Hater", Lisa. After Saved by the Bell she made guest appearances on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Star Trek. For all you nerdy Star Trek enthusiasts, like Mrs. Diaz, I'll give you the specific episode Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Jessie - the nagging feminist. She may have won the affection of Slater, but she just got on my nerves. I mean, geez. However, to no suprise at all, in real life she is quite the feminist. Apparently she doesn't mind shedding most her clothes in roles like "Showgirls". Need I say anything else? Soon she may be starring on MTV.
And then there's Slater. Gorgeous, muscular, hunky... (um) Slater. He now is the hist of America's Best Dance Crew. He is also the new host of Extra and relishes the title of "Hottest Bachelor". Big suprise.
So there ya go. That's where our impressionable Saved by the Bell cast is now! Not very impressing huh? Sawee.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Buried Treasure - Paper Planes - Project Rescue

A jobless man on welfare found treasure worth millions. He bought a used metal detector for 6 dollars and used it to find the treasure in central Enland. It is the greatest Anglo Saxon treasure discovery ever. Terry Hebert found 11 pounds of gold and 5 pounds of silver. He will split the profit 50-50 with the land owner of the field in which the treasure was found.

A young boy takes flying paper planes very seriously! He exercizes everyday to build up his arm muscles. He hopes to go to Japan to break the record - 17 seconds. He also hopes to be an ispiration to other children.

The purpose is to provide a safe haven for women and children who have been victims of human trafficking. It helps the victims spiritually, emotionally, and physically to heal while ministering to them. We can raise awareness of sexual trafficking and donate money.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Global Issues

Better World Books is a [for-profit[ social enterprise that collects used books and sells them online to raise money for literacy initiatives worldwide. They offer great bargains on used books - over 6 million used and new titles. When you buy used books, you save them from landfill and conserve resources.

Lisa Ling found support through Facebook. Her sister, Laura Ling, was captured in North Korea with Euna Lee. Many people on Facebook reached out to Lisa and showed her optism through her tough time. Her story was shown on Oprah...of course!

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made a New Year's resolution to get "in front" of one specific cause. This cause is to be abolitionists for 21st century slavery and human trafficking. They will back up Barak Obama towards the same goal. They are doing a great thing and will strive to get rid of sexual exploitation in children.

Toms shoes was founded for one goal: to give children without a pair of shoes. For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is given to a child in need. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS shoes in 2006. TOMS has given over 140,000 pairs of shoes.
They plan on giving around 300,000 in 2009 alone. I think TOMs choes is a great organization. I plan on purchasing some one day soon hopefully. The Press link tells of major magazines and press that support or have advertised TOMs shoes.

Twecipe, Candystand, Word/Physics games

Who: Twecipe
What: food emtertainment and tips website
When: anytime
Where: http://twitter.com/twecipe
Why: entertainment and tips
How: post links of videos, pictures, and recipes

http://twitter.com/twecipe - Homeade Salsa
http://twecipe.com/W5Ei - Spicy Chicken & Rice Noodles
http://bit.ly/14LErw - Coolest pizza box ever

Who: Candystand.com
What: fun games website
When: anytime
Where: http://www.candystand.com/play/copy-cat-a-painters-puzzle
Why: entertainment
How: Copy the canvas, using different shapes and colors.

Who: Candystand.com
What: fun games website
When: anytime
Where: http://www.candystand.com/play/nudge
Why: entertainment
How: Figure you way through mazes.

Who: Bart Bonte game
What: word game
When: anytime
Where: http://www.bartbonte.com/mustpopwords?3c092008
Why: helps think faster and fun
How: make any word from letters falling in bubbles

Who: Physics Games.net
What: game website
When: anytime
Where: http://www.physicsgames.net/game/Demolition_City.html
Why: entertainment & to under basic physics
How: Blow up buildings. It's fun!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

50 NP Ideas

1. Mr. Moland
2. Whole Foods
3. Caleb's dentist appt experience
4. fried icecream
5. why Macbooks can't get viruses
6. the origin of "show and tell"
7. bow hunting
8. HC dress shopping tips
9. Farm Town/Farm Ville contrast and comparison
10. James and Broke's blossoming realtionship
11. Caleb's typing impulses kgbhuogtugtu46456 (see what I mean) 4898695njbhj63453 b5
12. IQ
13. Mrs. Beryl's sweet tea
14. who decided the layout of a keyboard
15. PawPaw
16. volleyball socks tradition
17. 4 leaf clovers
18. leprechauns
19. Coach Smith's food in class policy
20. this stupid time policy at Rave and Perkins Rowe
21. BING.com
22. Scooby Doo
23. ironic situations
24. oxymorons
25. the "battle" between the cheerleaders and the volleyball players
26. Tim's booksack
26. Tim's Colorado trip
27. Tim's horrible night in the mountains
28. Tim's ability in ideation
29. Tim's music taste
30. Tim's thoughts on life
31. Mrs. Diaz's adolescence years
32. the lamest website
33. honey (what you eat)
34. Honey (the movie)
35. Nutella
36. oreos with peanut butter
37. Timothy's health knowledge/advice
38. caffeine in coffee
39. Danielle's chipmunk laugh
40. my interview with Myor Kip Holden
41. Mr. Moland's Bible message to the girls - dating/marriage
42. semantics
43. So You Think You Can Dance?
44. Andre Morreau
45. LSU tiger chants
46. twitter.com/bcsvolleyball
47. "Catchphrase" the game
48. silly string
49. Ms. Melancon giving her Bible and journalism classes too many blog assignments
50. Chase and Nathan's "relationship"

Monday, September 21, 2009

TWT PEts, Wordnik, Slurpee

Who: Slurpee.com
What: entertainment website
When: anytime
Where: http://slurpee.com/BrainFreezeLaboratory/
Why: amusement. It funny.
How: Upload your pic.

Who: twtpets
What: pet website
When: anytime
Where: http://twtpets.com/
Why: People want to show off their pets.
How: through Facebook
It's use to compare and show off your pets. People who are really proud of their pets would use this website.

Who: Wordnik
What: word website
When: anytime
Where: http://www.wordnik.com/
Why: to make ya smarter!
How: beta
Facebook - because it's BETA ??

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Ghettoblasters" & Sammiches


Who: Wierd people
What: craaazzzy sandwhiches
When: anytime
Why: amusement
How: creative sandwhich making


Who: crazy people
What: old boom boxes
When: anytime
Where: http://www.pocketcalculatorshow.com/boombox/
Why: entertainment
How: Upload a pic of a boom box on the site for all to see.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Messes, Toy Photography, Backpacks, iSpot, KDW Challenge

The KDW Challenge

Who: http://www.kdwchallenge.com/#/home
What: Tire website
When: recently
Where: Las Vegas Motor Speedway
Why: amusement/challeng
How: People were the passengers of a high performance car. Pure hilariousness.


Who: ispot.org.uk
What: animal website
When: anytime
Where: wildlife
Why: people are interested
How: Take photo of animal. Upload to internet.

Crazy Backpacks

Toy Photography

Who: Funny photographers
What: take pictures of toys When: anytime
Where: http://www.thephotoargus.com/inspiration/35-extraordinarily-clever-examples-of-toy-photography/
Why: It's amusing and artistic.
How: Take the photo. Upload to internet. Bam.

My Mess, Woopsies

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hurricane House: It educates them on potentially dangerous situations during a hurricane. No. It was educational, but not enough. A longer, more detailed game should be created. Then it would help kids along the Gulf Coast better.

Disaster Maze: It would educate them on what to do after or during a hurricane. No. This game wasn't good enough either. They need to make more fun, detailed games to catch the attention of rambunctious kids.

"i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3" - caleb

Who: Shoe Thrower
What: tortured in jail after being imprisoned because of throwing a shoe at former President Bush
When: today
Where: a Baghdad prison
Why: because the prison guards wanted to torure him
How: with beatings, whippings, electric shocks and simulated drowning

Who: Somali pirates
What: release Greek ship
When: 9/14
Where: Eyl
Why: reason unknown
How: "We already left the vessel and now we are dividing our money," a pirate said.

Monday, September 14, 2009

5 News Stories

Who: Taylor Swift & Kanye West
What: rudeness
When: last night
Where: VMA's
Why: Kanye West is obnoxious and wanted to steal the spotlight from T.S.
How: As Taylor was saying her thanks, Kanye walked on stage, grabbed her mic, and said "Beyonce has the best video of the year."

Who: Brian Urlacher
What: out for season
When: yesterday
Where: Green Bay Packers' field
Why: because he dislocated his wrist
How: fell on it during the 1st quarter of the Chicago/Packers game

Who: Newspaper Class
What: got our t-shirts!
When: 6th hour
Where: Ms. Melancon's class!
Why: because we're legit/awesome
How: Chase Barrett took our ideas and designed them.

Who: BCS volleyball team
What: has a game
When: Wed, 9/16
Where: Bethany
Why: for competition
How: with refs, players, coaches, and fans :)

Who: Amy Brasher
What: marijuana found and reported to police
Where: San Anotonio, Tx
Why: stupidity on Amy's part
How: Amy sent her car in to the mechanic shop to get the oil changed. The mechanic found 18 packages of marijuana under the hood. She didn't realize to change the oil of a car you had to raise the hood.


Brain Surgery : The brain surgery was soo cool. It was a little gross. But I really liked how it was pretty realistic. The pictures of real surgeries were disgusting. That made my stomach a wittle queasy. Overall, I think the brain surgery was one of the best!

Crash Scene: I'm not even gonna lie - the crash scene was borrrringg. It was terrible compared to the brain surgery. It was realistic too but it didn't keep my atttention. I didn't like the crash scene.

Cell Phone: The cell phone was pretty cool. I liked hearing the stuff the old people said. Haha. Designing the cell phone was easy. The sweaty, business man with money coming out of his pockets was a nice jab. Overall, I liked it.

Virtual Hip Resurfacing: This is just as cool as the brain surgery. It is gross too. So far it's my second favorite. The pictures weren't quite as bad as the brain surgery pictures.

The Odd Machine: It was interesting to say the least. I helped the robot find his plunger. :) I liked this one. It reminded me of Mr. Moland and physics. Haha

Virtual Knee Replacement: This was cool. Once again, the pictures = disgusting! This one was easy.

Weather: Reporting the weather was alright. It wasn't that exciting. Level three was basically just as simple as level one. Predicting the weather took a little more brain power. I liked it better.

Simple Machines: This was the second boring activity. It was 5th grade logic. I didn't like this one. It was too easy and not interesting enough.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That's Crazy!

Warsaw - A man was bruised but alive after something rather large fell on top of him while he was strolling down an avenue. This "something" was a 110 pound St. Bernard that had fallen out of a two story window! No worries though. The one year old dog named Oscar is fine. "The dog had a soft landing because it fell on a man," said police spokesperson Wierzbicki. "The dog escaped with just a few scratches. The man was also more in a psychological state of shock then physically hurt."

Amsterdam - Two nuns chased a suspected thief through the streets of Amsterdam. What makes this even crazier is that the Dutch nuns were on bikes! One Saturday evening, one of the sisters believed to see a man walking past their chapel as a thief who snatched hundreds of dollars in cash from the chapel two weeks earlier. The nuns called the police but before the police could arrive, the thief realized something was up and fled on a bike. The nuns followed in pursuit. The suspected thief managed to escape into a neighborhood and got away. Police hunted for the man but could not find him.

Berlin - A 68 year old man had to survive on just a packet of cookies while he was stuck in an elevator for 3 days! Karlheinz Schmidt was going to the hospital for a routine appointment. When he realized something was wrong with the elevator, Schmidt repeatedly pushed the alarm button and called for help. Unfortunately, no one heard his call until the third day when a nurse reported the broken lift. He was found pale and weak but thankfully alive. What's ironic is that Schmidt was a former elevator repairman.

Rollin' at Rocco's

I strolled into Rocco's utterly shocked and impressed. You see, I previously thought - "A po-boy restaurant, well this will be a plain, drab, and a mediocre place to eat at". Wow was I wrong! Everything at Rocco's was impressive. It was LSU themed with booths, tables, and high bars. Outside were many tables under umbrellas. I realized how open and bright the restaurant was. It seemed as though you were sitting outside because of the huge storefront windows.
I grabbed a menu and walked into the order line. While I was deciding on my order, I noticed how catchy the menu titles were. The "Where Y'at" pizza, the "Cat Daddy Fish" seafood po-boy, and the "French Quarter Fry" specialty po-boy were just a few that caught my eye. I quickly chose my order, the seafood muffalatta, and returned to my table. I glanced up at one of the five flatscreen TV's to hold my attention while I waited for my order. To my delight however, my food was ready in no time!
Stunned at how fast and polite the service was, I rested my eyes upon my tempting muffalatta sandwhiched between New Orleans French bread. After the first bite I knew I would be returning to Rocco's! The shrimp was so tasty, and the catfish was so fresh! Then my eyes glanced straight towards my friend's plate. He had the "Nikki the Eyes Oyster" po-boy. I, of course, had to try this po-boy. It, to no suprise at all, was amazing! I immediately knew what I would be ordering the next time I came - the oyster po-boy!
Yet another thing that stood out to me was the service. The cashier had that "you can have it your way" attitude that we all love and enjoy. The waiter frequently made sure that our drinks were fresh and that we were content. Most importantly to me however, was the interaction between the manager and the customers. I noticed that he went to every table, making sure everyone was happy and enjoying their meal, including us.
So, if you're in the mood for some delicious New Orleans style po-boys, fried pickles, crawfish etouffee, salads, burgers, pizzas, etc.., go to Rocco's! As Mr. Rocco says himself, "Just think of our po-boy as the big bully on the sandwhich playground." Are you convinced yet? You should be! For those who need a little more convincing, read what other customers had to say about Rocco's:

"I thought my food was great. I loved the bread. Service was good, no complaints. The atmosphere is open and airy." - Dan

"I got the Sonny's Shrimp Po-boy. It was really good. I loved the fries." - Josh

"The atmosphere is very comfortable. Service is really quick!" - Allison

"The turkey po-boy was pretty delicious. Cheese fries were scrumptious!" - Lacey

"I enjoyed my salad. I'm definitely coming back to try the fried pickles!" - Freda

"I got the Sonny's Shrimp Po-boy. It was really good, I enjoyed it. Everyone here is nice, well-mannered, and polite. We're definitely coming back!" - Paula

"The service was great. I didn't have to wait long at all for my order. The oyster po-boy was delicious. Oysters - fried to perfection." - Danny

So there you go! Try out Rocco's! It's reasonably priced (7 to 14 dollars a po-boy). Rocco's is located in Zachary off of Church Street, next to Sammy's Bar and Grill.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Puns and Words and Story

Biologists have recently produced immortal frogs by removing their vocal cords. They can't croak.
I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.
When chemists die, we barium.
I need to cut my fingernails before they get too out of hand.
There was a shootout in The Gap. There were many casual-tees.
When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall - and a pretty good spring and summer, too.
They tried to keep a locksmith in prison, but the nut bolted.
Stealing someone's coffee is called 'mugging'.
I would like to go to Holland one day, wooden shoe?
1.buss- a kiss; to kiss
2.sui generis- unique
3. ineffable- incapable of being expressed
4. scion- a descendant; an heir
5. riposte- a quick and effective reply by word or act
6. sapid- having flavor, especially a strong pleasant taste
7. penchant- a strong liking
8. propinquity- nearness
9. kismet- destiny; fate
10. pestiferous- obnoxious
[Happy News]
Who: Farmers
What: Watermelons
When: now
Where: across the U.S. on farms
Why: to get ethanol fuel
How: leftover watermelons from farms' harvests could be converted into up to 2.5 million gallons of clean, renewable ethanol fuel every year destined for your car, truck, or airplane's gas tank