Thursday, May 20, 2010


How to ask for a girl's phone number.
Take chances. Keep it simple. Continue the conversation. Hint about your interest. Ask for the number.

How to bring a pet into a home with different pets.
Hold the new pet in your arms. Let them smell each other. Release the family pet first. Feed them in separate places for a few days.

How to remove a poop stain.
Clean off excess poop. Rinse the clothing. Use Tide. If stain is still there, repeat steps.

How to tell a funny story.
Use arm motions and facial expressions. Don't be obvious about the ending. Tell the funniest part at the climax. Don't laugh at your own story unless others are laughing with you.

How to deal with awkward silence
Relax and accept the awkward silence. Ask a question. Propose to do something fun or tell a joke.

How to stop your toddler from farting on people
Examine your toddler's diet. Catch him in the act. Do not laugh. Educate him. Save the victim. Make the toddler apologize.

How to know when to shut up.
accept that it takes two people to cause tension in a conversation. If you notice the other person's voice getting faster or high pitched, back off. If it continues, shut up. Wait for the other person to calm down.

How to skip school.
Learn to forge your parents name. Get up for school as normal. Instead of school, let the mall or movies be your destination. Hang out with friends after school.

How to be cool.
Just breathe. Look the part. Don't let people get to you. Be confident. Pick your friends wisely. Laugh at yourself.

How to do the Mexican hat dance.
Wear the right costume. Do a sequence of tapping and stamping. throw the hat to the ground. March in unison to a military tune.

How to kill the person sitting next to you.
Out of the corner of your eye, glance over at your prey. Take a couple deep breaths. Say, "Hey Caleb." As he turns your way jab the close pin into his heart. Run away.

The advice I'd give would be do give it your all. Choose stories that you think will be exciting to the people reading the newspaper. Don't just pick easy stories. Ask people what they would like to be in the paper. Always do your blogging. Since Ms. Melancon likes to assign 5 everyday, stay on top of it :)

Have fun with the rest of the newspaper staff. Get to know them and don't be shy. By the end of the year y'all will be like a little family. Always laugh at yourself. Don't take this class too seriously, it should be fun. But make sure to get all your work done right. Badger Ms. Melancon about her boo.

This summer I might be going to Florida. I might go with Lauryn and her family to a nice beach in Florida, like Destin or Panama City. We're supposed to go the soon after school lets out. During the last week of June, I'm going to Orange Beach with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew, mom, and Lauryn. I'm really excited about that.

Two weeks after school lets out I'm having a crawfish boil for some of the juniors. Hopefully I'll have a few pool parties at my sisters for all my friends. I definitely plan on tanning and swimming a lot. I need to get a couple swimsuits before the weekend because I'm probably going swimming at a friend's house.

I plan on fishing this summer. I know I'll be sleeping in late. It'll be nice not having to wake up for school every morning or worry about the next test that's coming up. I definitely will be riding four wheelers with my friends. We might all bring ours to the Comite River by my house. I hope this summer is the best one yet!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sarah - First off, you da bomb! I've never met someone quite like you. You're very individualistic. Everything you wear works. I use the word "works" because some things you wear others couldn't pull off. I admire your sense of style :) The best thing about you though is your personality. Your humor is on a level far wittier than most. Sarah, you're awesome!

Tina - Tina Tina Tina. Just the thought of your face is refreshing hehe :) You're so sweet. That's probably something I should learn from you. You're funny and love to laugh. You always seem to be in a great mood. Sometimes you may have not noticed, but if I would be having a bad day I could just notice your way of being happy and it really made a difference. Tina, thanks for the smilesss.

Nathan - Oh where do I begin, lover? I thoroughly enjoyed our date to the baseball game. It was the best five minutes of my life. Thanks for the changing station. You were a great date! Such a charmer, you. haha :)

Chase - Cousinnn!! You're crazy and funny and inappropriate...and I love it! It's definitely not going to be the same around here next year. Who will look me up and down and whistle as I walk the halls? No one, or atleast no one as good as you. I love you cousinn. Ps - kissing cousins? I meannnn, you're cool bye! ;) hahaha

Lakeisha - Girl, you're silly. You make a lot of funny jokes and statements and I just enjoy laughing from all of them. You're down to earth and really easy to talk to. I liked when you liked the jokes I liked to tell. Hehe :) I'm going to miss making you laugh and vice versa.

Bria - You are a very interesting person. You think deep. You're really witty. You know a lot of stuff I don't. You write well. And all these things I didn't know until this year in journalism. I'm glad you were part of the staff. Stay sweet Bria! :)

Chelsey - Chelshayyy!! My baby! You're an amazing friend! I love our laughs together and we better continue to have them or..I kill you! So this is what you need to know: more double dates, more dates (just me and you =]) and more double dates again. I can't wait for summer! We're gonna make it fun! I love youuu!