Monday, August 10, 2009


1. Twitter is a social networking program where people can send and read messages on a blog.
2. Many people use it.
3. They are bored, nosy, nerdy, curious, or want to get information.
4. Sometimes twitter is important. Like if Mrs. Melancon posts a tweet. But not when a celebrity lets the world know they are eating a cheeseburger.
5. Barack Obama & Taylor Swift
6. It will last. It's like myspace and facebook. It will never get old. I think people are obsessed.


  1. Very interesting, Laura! Good job finishing this early. Now, post 25 people students should follow on twitter & why.

  2. I think it will get old because something new will eventually come along!

  3. i agree with all of the above.. it will be the next old thing!

  4. i totally agree with you laura.
