Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Iphone 4G

It has been less than a year since Apple's release of the Iphone 3G S. Already there are rumors of the upcoming Iphone 4G. There are many rumors and suspicions as to what the phone will offer and what changes will be made. It is a definite that the new phone will be sleeker and capable of many things that were left out by the 3G S. What most people are trying to figure out is if the price will match the worth.

The Iphone 4G will be available for purchase in July. The cost will be relatively the same as the price when the new Iphone 3GS came out. Apple is supposed to offer a 16GB for $199 and 32GB for $299 with a contract. The Iphone 4G concept is 4 ounces lighter at 4.4 ounces. It is also slimmer by 3.3 mm.

The new Iphone will still use the 3G network. It will have a 5 MP camera and built in zoom. There is a good chance of flash as well. It will have a dual core processor and more ram for faster speeds. Contacts wil be capable of being on the front home screen. It is supposed to have a touch sensitive case.

One of the more important changes will be the OLED display. Zunes offer this already and it's been coveted by many. The screen is brighter and crisper although seeing in direct sunlight will likely be a problem. There will definitely be a front dacing video camera for video chat. There may also be a removable battery but this has yet to be confirmed. Another problem that will be looked over is the battery life itself. Talk time may be doubled.

It's not a definite that the new iPhone will be called the iPhone 4G although this is what is expected. It's a high probability it will take on this name even though it will still run on the 3G network. This phone will go faster than the 3G S. With a bigger ram and a possible dual processor, the speed should be significantly better. A huge factor in the new phone is the capability of openin more than one app at a time. This is one of the major concerns of iPhone users. Apple is finding a way where multiple apps may be running at the same time.

Apple seems to be getting it right this time with the next generation iPhone. It has been listening to the users and is making changes and advancements. By cosidering the concept of the new iPhone, I think it will be a hit and fix many problems and disadvantages the older generation iPhones have.

Monday, March 15, 2010

News Articles

Explosions hit Nigeria oil amnesty talks

Who: Africa
What: car bombs
When: happening now
Where: Warri, Nigeria
Why: terrorists wanted to bomb the oil city
How: with car bombs

Street children aim for World Cup victory

Who: homeless children
What: Olympics
When: happening now
Where: South Africa
Why: to obtain glory for S. Africa
How: by training in his soccer abilities and representing his country

China warns Google to comply with censorship laws

Who: China officials
What: regulating google
When: happening now
Where: cyber world
Why: China is upset about Google and censorship laws
How: by warning them - "But, if you betray Chinese laws and regulations... it means that you are unfriendly, irresponsible, and you will have to pay the consequences."

Tiger decline is 'sign of world's failure'

Who: tigers
What: Tiger's population decline
When: happening now
Where: all over the world
What: Tiger's population is in a definite decline
How: Organised crime rings are playing an increasing part in illegal trading of tiger parts

Calvin Klein owner buys Tommy Hilfiger

Who: Calvin Klein owner
What: buys Tommy Hilfiger company
When: recently
Where: fashion industry
What: Tommy Hilfiger has been bought by CK
How: with lots of money (3 billion)

Imprisoned For A Kiss? Two British in Trouble in Dubai

Who: Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams
What: convicted for a kiss
When: recently
Where: Bob's Easy Diner in Dubai
Why: no good reason
How: they were convicted of public indecency for a simple peck while dining at a restaurant

Indian Spices, Powders Linked to Lead Poisoning

Who: no one in particular
What: Indian spices = possible lead poisoning
When: recently
Where: Massachusetts
Why: scientific study
How Indian spices are linked to possible lead poisoning after several cases in young children

Erin Andrews' Peeping Tom to Be Sentenced

Who: Mike Barrett
What: sentenced for stalking
When: recently
Where: California
Why: Erin Andrews had a creeper and she was weirded out
How: he was sentenced for being a peeping tom and will be going to jail

Doctors Use Tiny Clip to Repair Leaky Heart Valve Without Surgery

Who: doctors in Illinois
What: a way to avoid heart surgery
When: in the near future
Where: Illinois
Why: to avoid heart surgery
How: the clip would cut off the leaky valve in the heart

Death Row Inmate Nikolaus Johnson Gets Facebook Profile Yanked

Who: Nikolaus Johnson
What: facebook profile kept by convicted killer is now disabled
When: recently
Where: cyber world
Why: it was against the policies of his sentence
How: he was keeping a profile updated through another person, but the account is now deleted

Monday, March 1, 2010

Issue 7

That's Crazy

In Peru, doctors performed an amputation... on the wrong foot. An 86 year old man needed his right foot amputated to stop the spreading of an infection. "It was a terrible shock when I lifted up the sheets and saw they had amputated his left foot," said the patient's daughter, Carmen Villanueva. The infection worsened. When the doctors realized their mistake, they amputated the right foot as well. The Sabogal Hospital has suspended the doctors while investigating the case. Carmen Villanueva said her family plans to sue.

In Wyoming, a 13 year old girl ran up her parents' cell phone bill - to $5000. It was all because of texts, thousands of them. The phone plan didn't cover texting and she had to learn this the hard way. The total text messaging count was almost 20,000. Her dad thought the texting had been disabled on her phone. Well, he was definitely wrong. When he got the bill he read the charges...and smashed the phone with a hammer. Verizon has agreed to knock the bill down to a reasonable amount. She has been grounded until the end of school. Her response? "She feels bad and has learned her lesson."

In Arizona, a woman fractured a sheriff's nose with her purse. In the purse was a large bottle of perfume and it weighed over 3 pounds. The sheriff was still able to arrest the woman even though she had a bloody nose. The suspect was trying to stop a friend's car from being impounded. She refused the sheriff's orders to move out of the way of a tow truck. The woman was put in jail and charged with a felony of aggravated assault with a "deadly weapon."

In Berlin, an elderly woman was involved in three car accidents in less than an hour. Seven vehicles were damaged but she suffered only minor injuries. The 69 year old woman first crashed into three cars while pulling out of a parking lot. A few moments later, she accidently stepped onto the accelerator and sped across a lawn before crashing into a nearby home. She was then being taken to the nearest hospital when the ambulance was hit by a truck. No one was seriously hurt in any of the accidents.

Mr. Moland, would you rather...?

1. Choke to death on a peanut or be crushed by a 10 ton elephant?
2. Go a year without bathing or brushing your teeth?
3. Have a yelling battle with Mrs. Desalvo or a fight with Coach Spann?
4. Be the fattest person in the world or the shortest person in the world?
5. Fall off of a high speed treadmill or fall all the way down an escalator?
6. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
7. Go back to high school or go back to preschool?
8. Be called M-Dog or J-Money?
9. Grow a huge 'fro or a 6inch beard?
10. Run over a squirrel or hit a bird with your car?